While solving pipeline questions remember the following...
Clock time = Max(Stage delay)+ Overhead
2)Number of instructions(n) and number of stages(k) are given
Number of Clocks =( k+ (n-1) ) clocks
3) Percentage of brach instuctions and number of stalls are given
Time taken= 1+stall * number of stalls
4)Frequency = 1/Time period
5) Don't forget about hazards and dependencies and operand forwarding techniques while solving pipeline questions
6) Efficiency of pipeline = speed up/ number of stages
7)In ideal condition Maximum speed up =number of stages
8)Remember Speed up is always greater than 1
9)Throughput = 1/Time
10) Highest stage delay then lowest clock frequency
11) Total Execution time= Number of instructions * CPI(Clocks per instructions) * cycle time
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